Student info and photos:EFG

Work Description

LPHE, Dorigny

For my Ph.D. I am involved in the LHCb experiment (Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment, CERN, Geneva), one of the four experiments that will take place at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The detector is a forward single arm spectrometer designed to exploit the large b \bar b production cross section, and perform precise measurements of CP violation in b-hadrons decays. I have performed the analysis of the Bs->phi eta_c decay channel and the results were reported in the Reoptimized Detetector Techinical Design Report. This decay may in particular serve to probe the weak Bs-Bs bar mixing phase phi_s =~ -2 chi, where chi corresponds to the beta angle of the bs unitarity triangle. I'm also contributing to the Monte Carlo generators; in particular, I am the manager of the package holding the decay files used to generate signal samples with QQ (CLEO event generator). I have also started working on the Level-1 and High Level Triggers for which I plan to contribute in the design of the selection algorithms.

Massimiliano FIORINI
Universita degli Studi di Ferrara

For my PhD thesis I am working on NA48/2, the fixed target experiment operating at the SPS at CERN that studies CP violation in the charged kaon system. In particular I am studying the decay Ke4 in order to measure the form factors that enter the matrix element and the s-wave scattering length for the low energy pi pi scattering. From the hardware side I am studying the project of a system of RF superconducting cavities for the separation of kaons from pions and protons at an energy of several GeV.

Northwestern University

I am working towards my Ph.D. thesis with the NA48/1 \& NA48/2 collaboration, which runs a fixed target experiment at CERN. The NA48 experiment measured $\epsilon'/\epsilon$, while the NA48/1 focus on rare $K_S$ decays and hyperons during 2002, and NA48/2 on $K^+$ and $K^-$ during 2003-4. My current analysis is the search for $K_S \rightarrow \pi^0 \mu^+ \mu^-$. We have the first observation. Now I am working on the publication that includes the determination of its branching ratio and the implications of this measurement. After that I will analize $K^{\pm} \rightarrow \pi^{\pm} ll$. My main contribution on the operation of the experiment is based on my work on the liquid krypton electromagnetic calorimeter readout. I am one of the on-call experts of this device during data taking.

University of Liverpool

For my Ph.D thesis I am working on BABAR at SLAC. I have worked towards a calorimeter calibration using radiative Bhabha events and contributed to the analysis B -> rho rho by performing toy Monte Carlo maximum liklihood fits. I am now the Data Acquisition Online Manager at BABAR, providing a first point of contact for the Data Acquisition system. I am also working on the analysis B -> rho Ks, where we aim to measure both branching fraction fit the CP parameters using a maximum liklihood fit.

Tel-Aviv University

For my Ph.D. thesis I am working on ATLAS, one of the four universal detectors under construction at LHC pp collider at CERN.Israel is in charge of the construction and test of the Thin Gas Chambers (TGC). I worked on the test bench located in tel aviv university and more precisally on the software reconstrction code. Now i started a study on the B physics (mainly Bs) into muons decays. For this i'm using simulation and reconstruction tools. I will also try to study fine effect on the level 1 trigger.

IFIC, Valencia

I am currently working on the offline software of the Inner Detector of ATLAS, which is a general purpose experiment of the LHC pp collider, currently under construction at CERN. In particular, my work is concentrated in the software of the Semiconductor Tracker or SCT (one of the sub-detectors of the Inner Tracker) for the 2004 combined ATLAS test beam. This represents a major milestone of the ATLAS project as it will provide a unique chance to test the data taking and the complete event data flow from the different ATLAS sub-detectors running at a small scale of the final experiment. My work includes the implementation in the Athena Framework the SCT offline code with the aim of decoding the SCT data from the ATLAS event format, getting the correct alignment of the modules and reconstructing tracks of charged particles.

JINR, Moscow

I am working in the NA48/2 experiment at CERN for my Ph.D. thesis. At the moment my main activities are devoted to measurement of CP-violating charge asymmetry of Dalitz-plot of charged kaon decay in 3 pions, which is the main goal of the experiment. I am also involved into investigation of several rare decay channels of charged kaon, in this field NA48/2 data can provide very high sensitivity tests of Chiral Perturbation Theory. During the last 2 years I have been the main developer of NA48 online data quality monitoring software, and I worked as the run coordinator during a part of run 2003.

JINR, Moscow

For my Ph.D. thesis I am working on COMPASS experiment. My current activity is data analysis related to study of azimutal dependence in leptoproduction (Cahn effect). Besides I am involved in the hadron run preparation on COMPASS setup and investigating the opportunity to study Primakoff scattering. Primakoff scattering is the process in which pion scattering on nucleus is accompanied by photon emitting. This work includes simulation of the setup, hardware installation, data taking followed by final data analysis.

Catherine Cart 02/2004