Student info and photos:L

Work Description

Justyna LAGODA
Warsaw University

For my Ph.D. thesis I am working on ICARUS, one of the detectors designed to observe tau neutrino appearance in the CNGS neutrino beam. I participated in the detector tests in Pavia during summer 2001 and worked on the collected data, especially on the photomultipliers signals and its application for the trigger purposes. Now I am working on the simulation of the neutrino interactions in ICARUS detector, using the Nuance event generator. I am trying to find the best set of kinematical cuts to efficiently select tau neutrino interactions. I am also studying the effects of the tau lepton polarization.

Helsinki Institute of Physics

I work at Helsinki Institute of Physics in a team devoted to software and physics issues of the CMS experiment. For my PhD work, I am developing a detector alignment algorithm based on reconstructed tracks. The algorithm is intended to be used in the ultimate position and orientation calibration of the CMS Tracker as a part of the ORCA software. The natural smoothness of reconstructed particle trajectories is used as a constraint to find corrections for position and orientation of the sensors. I also participate to the geometric precision measurements of the rod frames of the CMS Tracker support structure. These measurements are later used to provide the best possible initial values for the alignment algorithm.

Walter LAMPL
Vienna University of Technology (currently based at CERN)

I am currently working as a Ph. D. student in the ATLAS Liquid Argon group. ATLAS is one of the two general-purpose experiments for the future LHC-Collider at CERN. The Liquid argon group is responsible for the part of the calorimeter of ATLAS that is based on liquid argon technology. I am taking part in the preparation and the run of a test beam that will take place in summer 2004. My thesis will mainly focus on aspects of the electromagnetic calibration. During the last months, I worked mainly on software to do monitoring, analysis and calibration of the testbeam data that will be taken this summer.

LAL Orsay - IN2P3/CNRS

I'm working on ATLAS at LHC. With simulations, I'm studying the possibility to test in ATLAS the recent Model called 'Little Higgs', which could solve hierarchy problem of the Standard Model. In this Model, new heavy bosons Z' and W' are expected, and have the very characteristic decays Z'(/W')->Z(/W)H, where H is the SM Higgs. I'm looking at channels containing these decays, and the first results are promising, demonstrating that this signal can be seen at LHC in most cases. I am also involved in the development of the software of the electromagnetic calorimeter, in particular the simulation of the digitization of the signal.

Yanwen LIU
University of Geneva

For my Ph.D thesis, I am working on CDF -- measuring the production of direct photon pairs in pbar-p collisions, and compare to the NLO QCD predictions. The QCD production of direct photon pairs is an essential background to the Higgs -> gamma gamma searches, and requires to be quantitively determined. The analysis is largely done. The preliminary results have been reviewed by the collaboration, and approved to be displayed at conferences. As part of my service work at CDF, I'm serving as the photon data validator. I wrote the software to monitor the photon data quality with some other photon fans.

ITEP, Moscow

For my Ph.D. thesis I am working on Belle, one of the two asymmetric B-factories. Belle operates at KEKB e+e- collider at KEK, Japan. I perform analysis of the data, collected by Belle at the energy of Upsilon(4S) resonance. In this analysis I measure branching ratios of semileptonic decays of B mesons to four body states and to D**'s, which are orbitally excited charm mesons. From the hardware side I am engaged with R&D of upgrade of kaon-muon identification system of Belle detector. My part of work is development of the software.

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

The work for my Ph.D. thesis is performed in the framework of the physics potential of CMS, one of the two multi-purpose detectors at the future LHC p-p collider. In particular I have performed the detailed visibility study for the heavy supersymmetric charged Higgs boson decay into top-bottom for CMS. In the future I will focus on development and testing of jet-reconstruction and (forward) b-tagging techniques in the detector reconstruction software. This knowledge will then be used to study important Standard Model backgrounds, like tt~bb~, and to extend the heavy charged Higgs searches with multiple b-tagging in CMS.

Thorsten LUX
University of Hamburg

My Ph.D. thesis consists of two parts. I am working on the development of a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) with a Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) readout for a future Linear e+e- Collider, like TESLA. In opposite to previous experiments with a TPC as the main tracker, like ALEPH, the experimental environment of a e+e- Linear Collider does not favour the use of wires for the gas amplification. For this reason there are international R&D projects started to investigate GEMs or Micromegas as an alternative. In Hamburg the main focus is on resolution studies in an up to 5 T magnetic field with a new TPC prototype. As a second part I am analysing data from the H1 experiment at the ep storage ring HERA at DESY. The data are used to measure the beauty cross section in Deep Inalastic Scattering (DIS) events with a Q^2 between 2 and 100 GeV^2.

Institute of Experimental Physics Slovak Academy of Sciences

I'm working on CDF experiment for my Ph.D. studies. CDF, together with D0, is studying particle collisions at Tevatron, proton-antiproton collider, located in Fermilab. The energy of collisions is 2 TeV, currently the highest energy of particle interactions in the world. I have performed, as first one in CDF Run 2, the measurement of top quark mass in dilepton decay channel. I'm continuing to work on this analysis as statistics is increasing dramatically. Besides physics analysis, I'm also involved in software part of experiment by running the production computing farm where we are processing all data collected by the detector. This also includes development and maintaining the farm software.

Catherine Cart 02/2004