Kitzbühel links:
Registration |
The registration will take place from 4.00 p.m. on Sunday 21 August in the hotel lobby. The first meal will be dinner on Sunday evening. Departure will be after breakfast on Saturday 3 September.
Scientific Programme
The School has the following courses:
Field Theory and Standard Model |
W. Buchmüller (DESY) |
G. Ecker (University of Vienna) |
Flavour Physics and CP Violation |
R. Fleischer (CERN) |
CP Violation in K-decays: experimental aspects |
M. Jeitler (HEPHY, Vienna) |
CP Violation in B-decays: experimental aspects |
L. Widhalm (HEPHY, Vienna) |
Beyond the Standard Model |
J. Ellis (CERN) |
Neutrino Physics |
M. Lindner (Technical University Munich) |
Astrophysics and Cosmology |
R. Kolb (Fermilab) |
Heavy Ions |
L. McLerran (BNL) |
In addition to the above list there will be one lecture on "the Physics of Ski Jumping" by W. Müller and one lecture on "Physics and Philosophy" by H. Pietschmann.
Students will be encouraged to present their current research work in the form of a special poster session which is planned for Thursday, August 25.
The preliminary schedule is given in the (Draft Programme):
Lecturers, Reading Lists and Information on Participants |
The Lectures and Reading Lists are given in the document Lectures
Social Programme |
On Monday 22 August there will be a welcome drink offered by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics, University of Innsbruck.
A full day excursion to Salzburg is planned for Saturday 27 August, and guided tours of Kitzbuehel will be organized in the afternoon of Wednesday 24 August.
Students should arrange by themselves to arrive at the hotel for registration during the afternoon or evening of Sunday, August 21.
The hotel is within walking distance from the central railway station, see map, where the hotel is marked with a red arrow and the station is at the bottom. A pickup service for the luggage will be organized.
A larger map can be consulted at
Train Schedules can be found at: (in German) (in French)
The School is sponsored by CERN, JINR and INTAS
In addition the Austrian Academy of Sciences sponsors a lecturer and the School bags.
General support from Inst. for Experimental Physics and Computers from IT Division, both University of Innsbruck. Photo Copies are covered by the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture, and, as already mentioned, the welcome drink is offered by the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics, University of Innsbruck.
Enquiries and Correspondence
All enquiries and correspondence related to the School of Physics
should be addressed to one of the Organizing Secretaries:
Danielle Métral
School of Physics
CH-1211 GENEVA 23
Switzerland |
Tatyana Donskova
International Department
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
RU-141980 Dubna, Moscow Region
Russia |