About the 2015 School
Scientific Programme
Practical Information: accommodation, travel arrangements, cost
How to Apply:
conditions for participation and application procedure
Enquiries and Correspondence
CLASHEP2015 poster
Members of Committees
Previous Schools
European Schools of High-Energy Physics |

The CERN – Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics is targeted particularly at students in experimental HEP who are in the final years of work towards their PhDs. However, it is anticipated that some post-doctoral students in experimental HEP, and some students in phenomenology, including some masters students, will also be accepted. It should be noted that some pre-knowledge of the subjects is necessary in order to be able to profit fully from the lecture courses.
Demand for attendance at the CERN – Latin-American Schools of High-Energy Physics exceeds the number of available places, so a competitive selection is made based on information provided on the application form and the letter of recommendation from the candidate's professor or supervisor.