Work Description
For my PhD thesis Im working for Hera-B experiment at DESY. I performed studies for the alignment of Hera-B Outer Tracker. It consists of ~2000 separated independent modules, each can be considered as a rigid body and can be shifted and rotated. To solve the alignment problem for this detector one have to deal with minimization of nonlinear functional with extremely large number of parameters (~10e6) Number of methods was suggested, implemented in software and tested. Currently Im also working on the developing of software for reconstruction of high pT muons (1TeV) at CMS. Such a hard muons are expected to be produced in decays of gravitons, Z` and Drell-Yann processes so both effects of Standart Model and Beyond Standart Model could be tested. But passage of such a hard muons through the CMS muon system generates huge accompaniment of delta-electrons and reconstruction becomes quite sophisticated problem.
Sebastien BINET |
For my Ph.D thesis I am working on ATLAS, one of the four detectors planned to operate at the LHC at CERN.I am studying the feasability of knowing the b-jet energy scale at the percent level. This work is based on an in situ calibration method using events containing a Z into b-bbar decay. The invariant mass of the Z-resonance is the key point of such a method and provides us the constraint to get the calibration constants one has to apply to correct for effects coming from the physics (ISR, FSR, fragmentation, ...) but also from the detector (dead material, electronic noise, resolutions, ...).
Erica BISESI |
For my Ph.D. thesis I am working as experimentalist into the MAGIC project for gamma ray astronomy, performing data analysis under the supervision of Prof. Alessandro De Angelis. Contemporarely I am performing a phenomenological work on indirect research of exotic dark matter annihilation with Dr. Piero Ullio (Trieste). In particular, we are considering the possibility of revealing cosmic and gamma ray signals from clumps of neutralinos in the galactic halo. |
Marco BOMBEN |
For my Ph.D. thesis I am working on BaBar, an experiment located at SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) laboratory. I have performed an analysis of the data collected by Babar at the energies of PEP-II near Y(4S)-resonance. In this work I have contributed in a branching ratio measurement of an exclusive semileptonic B-meson decay and the subsequent measurement of CKM-parameter |V(cb)|. Now I am working on the measurement of form factors of the same decay. On the hardware side I am going to work on the monitoring of the BaBar tracking system. |
Catherine Cart 02/2004