Work Description
Nikola MAKOVEC |
For my Ph thesis, I am working on D0, one of the two detectors operating at the TeVatron collider at Fermilab. The topic of my thesis is 'Search for the Higgs Boson in the bbnunu channel'. I'am presently working on Energy Flow (which combines tracking and calorimeter information) in order to improve the dijet mass resolution. |
Alberto MAROTTA |
I'm attending the second year of my Ph.D. thesis work in the framework of the OPERA experiment; which looks for a direct evidence of the mu->tau neutrinos oscillation, by observing the tau neutrino appearance in the CNGS beam (which is initially composed of mu neutrinos), through the direct observation in nuclear emulsions of the decay of tau leptons, produced in neutrino tau charged current interactions. I worked on the simulation of a veto system to minimize the effects of fake events, generated in the not istrumented parts surrounding the OPERA detector. I'm collaborating to the simulation and setting up of a test beam that will be held in the DESY laboratories to study the electron identification in emulsions. This to improve the electron-pion identification, fundamental to evaluate the sensitivity of the experiment in studying the mu->e neutrinos oscillation. |
For my Ph.D. thesis I am working on the NA48 experiment at the CERN SPS accelerator. I have studied rare radiative neutral kaon decays in order to check the predictions of the chiral perturbation theory, obtaining a first upper limit for the branching ratio of the Ks->pi0-gamma-gamma decay. At present I am working on the analysis of the form factors of the Ke4 decay of charged kaons, which allows to measure the s-wave pi-pi scattering length. I also worked on the L3 trigger system of the NA48 experiment, in order to adjust it for the high intensity neutral kaon and hyperon run which was dedicated to rare decays studies. |
For my Ph.D. thesis I am working on ICARUS, a liquid Argon detector, ideal for rare event search such as proton decays and neutrino interactions, which will be installed at LNGS. My thesis will deal mainly with solar and supernovae neutrinos, whereas so far I have been working on the software used to reconstruct events. |
I am working for Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) in ATLAS experiment. My laboratory is deeply involved in the construction, production and testing of End-Cap wheels for the TRT tracker. I work on the testing of this wheels and analysis of test-beam data. The TRT provides on average 36 two-dimensional measurement points with 0.170 mm resolution for charged particle tracks with |η| < 2.5 and pT > 0.5 GeV. Now I am also interesting in track reconstruction with GEANT-4. | |
Shulamit MOED |
I am a PhD student currently working for the ATLAS silicon tracker and taking part in ATLAS top physics studies using simulated events. Geneva university is one of the production sites for the ATLAS silicon tracker Endcap modules. As a member of the Geneva group I am taking part in the quality control of the module components before assembling them to a module, tests during the different stages of assembly and tests of the modules when they are completed. In parallel to that I am working on the top quark mass reconstruction where a (t tbar) pair decays via W bosons into (lepton neutrino jet jet b bbar). These events provide a good environment to study the b-tagging algorithm performance as well and later on I will use them for calibrating the b-tagging efficiencies. |
For my Ph.D. thesis, I am working on H1, one of the two multipurpose detectors currently operating at HERA ep collider at DESY. In an ep collider, photon-photon scattering is the dominant production mechanism for muon pairs at high energetic scales. Therefore, muon pairs, which produced via this QED process,form the major background source for almost all processes with muons in the final state. Thus understanding this QED process and the precise determination of its production cross-sections in the electroweak (EW) interaction in as large phase space as possible is very important and that is the topic of my thesis. |
Bjarte MOHN |
I'm a norwegain Ph.D. student currently working in Uppsala, Sweden, where I split my time between two projects. Half of my time is devoted to the construction and electrical testing of the barrel SCT modules for the ATLAS inner detector. This is a joint scandinavian project with contributions also from the universities of Oslo and Bergen, both in Norway. The second half of my time I spend on ATLAS simulation looking for charged Higgs (H^+) in a large mass splitting MSSM scenario. In particular we try to find a detectable signal in the intermediate tanB region where so far no other decay channels can provide any signal discovery. |
For my Ph.D. I am working on BABAR, the detector operating at the asimmetric B factory PEP-II at SLAC. I have studied the semileptonic decay B0->D*lnu. This decay mode is of particular physical interest, since the study of its differential decay rate can be used to measure the CKM matrix element |Vcb|, one of the fundamental parameters of the standard model. From the hardware side I was involved in the detector operation playing the role of ìoperations managerî for the IFR subsystem, the larger and outermost subdetector of BABAR, dedicated to muons and neutral hadrons detection. |
Dmitry MOROZOV |
For my Ph.D. thesis I am working in the STAR SPIN group at BNL. I am performing the analysis of Forward Pion Detector (FPD) data from polarized proton-proton collisions at √s=200 GeV. The main goal of my work is to obtain the single-spin asymmetry AN of inclusive neutral pion production at forward region with pseudo-rapidity from 3 up to 4. It can be used as the analyzing power for this reaction, or in other words the FPD can serve as an in-situ polarimeter for the STAR detector, to measure the beam polarization directly at the interaction region. Also I am working on Monte-Carlo simulations of the FPD Lead-glass calorimeter response. |
Emmanuel MOULIN |
For my Ph.D thesis, I am working on a new generation project for direct detection of non-baryonic dark matter: MACHE3, MAtrix of Cells of superfluid Helium 3. I work on the data analysis of a multicell prototype and on simulations for optimizing the design of the future MACHe3 matrix. For these purposes, I have developped an analysis pipeline and have performed simulations of the detector with Geant4. From the phenomenological side, I am studying the complementarity of MACHe3 with ongoing detectors for detecting supersymmetric dark matter in the framework of effective MSSM models. I also compare direct and indirect detection capabilities. |
Alex MUIR |
For my Ph.D. thesis I am working on the LHCb experiment, one of four detectors being developed for the LHC at CERN. I am currently working on the development and characterization of the RICH1 subdetectors' mirrors and mechanical supports. In addition I am studying the channels B to Kpi in the LHCb environment, with a view to showing the LHCb potential for extracting gamma using Flavour-Symmetry Strategies. In addition to this work I have also made a comparison between two B decay packages QQ and EvtGen. |
Catherine Cart 02/2004