Application Form for Students

wishing to attend

the 2009 European School of High-Energy Physics

Bautzen, Germany, 14 - 27 June, 2009

To apply:

Fill in and submit this form. The submission of this application MUST be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from your professor or supervisor. The letter should include a ranking of the candidate in comparison to other students at a similar stage in their careers.
The reference letter should be sent by the supervisor as a mail attachment to
A paper copy can also be sent to:

Danielle Metral
School of Physics
CH-1211 Geneva 23


Both the completed form and the letter of reference should reach us by 21 February, 2009. Applications received after this date will not be considered.

Fields marked with "*" must be filled in.


Name of supervisor/professor *
Email address of supevisor/professor *
Telephone number of supervisor/professor *
Date of letter of reference (DD MM YYYY)


Family Name *
First Name *
Your e-mail address (one only) *
Nationality *
Date of birth (DD MM YYYY)

Home Institute

Name of your Home Institute or Department *
Address of your Home Institute of Department

Knowledge of English


University Education

Attended from
Attended to
Qualifications Obtained
Present Stage of Studies
For what qualifications are you working at present
When do you expect to obtain it?

Past work at CERN

Have you ever worked at CERN?
If YES then, when? from... (DD MM YYYY) (DD MM YYYY)
In which Division?

Previous Applications

Have you applied to attend any of the previous schools organised by CERN and/or JINR
If so, which?
Of which year?
Was your applications accepted?

How did you hear about the School?


Mail sent from March 2009 should be addressed to...

Your Home Institute as above?
If not, specify alternative address

Brief description of your work

Provide a 100-word description (in English) of your current work. This will appear in the School booklet which is distributed to all participants and include the summaries of the selected students. A sample description is provided below:

Example: For my Ph.D. thesis I am working on DELPHI, one of the four universal detectors operating at LEP e+e- collider at CERN. I have performed analysis of the data collected by DELPHI at the energies of LEP near the Z-resonance. In this analysis the measurement of the tau-lepton polarisation through its hadronic decay modes has been performed providing a competitive measurement of the weak mixing angle. Now I am working on the analysis of the high energy LEP data, measuring the fermion-pair production cross sections and forward-backward asymmetries. From the hardware side I am engaged with the work of monitoring the performance of the DELPHI Hadron Calorimeter and Surround Muon Chambers. This includes development of the monitoring software and data analysis.

Other Comments

Please indicate why you are applying, and also add other information that does not fit elsewhere in this form:

Before submitting, please remember that ...

  • The submission of this completed application form should be accompanied by a letter of reference from your professor or supervisor giving a comparison ranking with other students referred by your professor or supervisor.
  • The letter should reach the appropriate address specified at the top of this page by 21 February, 2009.

Physics School