
Work Description:

Currently I am working on the quantum properties of Black Holes, their production rates, nucleation rates both in gravitational systems and also at colliders. Some theories beyond the Standard Model suggest that we live in more than 4-dimensions, in fact we are supposed to live on a brane that moves in a 4+n-dimensional space.  In this case it might be possible to produce black holesand other fascinating beasts at the LHC. Ordinary gravity does not allow to compute reliably the production rate for these objects. In String theory however, using the AdS/CFT correspondence we are developing reliable tools to carry out the computation. I also work on Landscape properties in String Theory New flux quantization in the theory in trying to make contact with known low energy physics.

Title of lecture
Field Theory and the Standard Model

1) Why Quantum Field Theory? 

2) General quantization rules. 

3) Gauge Theories and  their properties. 

4) Feynman rules and Feynman  diagrams 

5) Sample computations in the Standard Model 

6) Advanced topics.  Depending on time, we may or may not reach this area. If so we'll discuss topics on confinement, chiral symmetry breaking, large-N limits, supersymmetry,infrared problems...





Work Description:


Title of lecture
Beyond the Standard Model



Work Description:

I am working in the ATLAS collaboration which is building one of the large general-purpose detectors for use at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). I am playing a leading role in the Trigger system which must select with high efficiency proton-proton interactions of interest for physics studies, while rejecting almost all of the high-rate, known physics events. I am also working on studies of the B-physics potential of ATLAS.

Title of lecture
Trigger and Data Acquisition
The course will address some of the issues of triggering and data acquisition in large high-energy physics experiments. Emphasis will be placed on hadron-collider experiments which present a particularly challenging environment for event selection and data collection. However, the lectures will also explain how T/DAQ systems have evolved over the last few years to meet new challenges.

Topics covered in the course will include:
- Requirements on trigger and data-acquisition systems at hadron-collider experiments (physics and other considerations)
- The use of multi-level trigger systems for event selection
- Purpose-built processors for first-level triggering
- High-level-trigger systems based on commercial components
- High-bandwidth data acquisition systems



University of Washington


Work Description:

Most of my research falls into one of three areas.  The first is neutrino astrophysics, which includes: 1) how weak interactions govern the physics of main sequence stars, supernovae, and similar objects; and 2) how we can exploit astrophysical settings to probe new properties of neutrinos.  Examples of recent work include studies of the “neutrino process” in core-collapse supernova (the direct synthesis of new nuclei by neutrino interactions) and of the effects of the trapped supernova neutrino “background” on neutrino oscillations.  I am also interested in low-energy tests of symmetries: atomic electric dipole moments as tests of CP violation, atomic anapole moments, double beta decay as a probe of the charge conjugation properties of neutrinos, etc.  Recent work includes investigating an idea to place a tighter constraint on neutrino magnetic moments.  Third, I am interested in techniques for solving many-body problems, particularly the formulation and execution of effective theories (see  nucl-th/0008064).

Title of lecture
Neutrino Physics

I.  Natural neutrino sources

  1. big bang      
  2. hydrogen-burning stars and the solar neutrino problem      
  3. cosmic rays and the atmospheric neutrino problem      
  4. supernovae      
  5. stellar cooling      
  6. ultrahigh energy neutrinos

 II  Neutrino oscillations

  1. flavor and mass eigenstates
  2. vacuum oscillations
  3. matter effects and the MSW mechanism
  4. solar and atmospheric neutrino constraints on neutrino parameters
 III. Open problems
  1. the absolute mass scale and CP properties: double beta decay and WMAP
  2. matter effects and the mass hierarchy
  3. q13 : terrestrial experiments, supernova consequences
  4. CP violation and very long baseline neutrino oscillations



Brookhaven National Laboratory


Work Description:

D. Kharzeev is a theoretical physicist working at Brookhaven National Laboratory.  His research interests include all aspects of the modern theory of strong interactions - Quantum Chromo-Dynamics, and its applications to the description of experimentally  accessible phenomena. He is particularly interested in QCD at high energies and the  physics of super-dense matter, which can be studied in relativistic heavy ion collisions  and in astrophysics. The physics of phase transitions in high-temperature QCD matter  is also essential for the cosmology of the early Universe.


Title of lecture
QCD with Relativistic Heavy Ions

I. Quantum Chromo-Dynamics - the modern theory of strong interactions   

1. Asymptotic freedom and the instability of the QCD vacuum 
2. Scale anomaly and the origin of hadron masses
3. Confinement and chiral symmetry breaking 

II. QCD of strong color fields
1. QCD at high energies
2. Parton saturation and the Color Glass Condensate  
3. Classical chromo-dynamics of relativistic heavy ion collisions 

III. QCD of super-dense matter
1. Phase diagram of hot and dense QCD
2. The properties of quark-gluon plasma
3. The probes of quark-gluon plasma in heavy ion collisions
4. An overview of RHIC results


Rocky KOLB



Work Description:

I am interested in the application of elementary particle physics to cosmology and astrophysics.  Most of my recent work centers on understanding the nature of dark matter and dark energy that seems to comprise 95% of our universe.  I am also interested in understanding the dynamics of inflation, and how we can learn about the physics of inflation from present-day observations of the universe. 

Title of lecture
Particle Astrophysics
Lecture #1:  The observational basis for the standard cosmological model
  1. Cosmological parameters (H0, W0, WL, …)
  2. Evidence for dark matter and dark energy
  3. Characterization of inhomogeneities and anisotropies (the power spectra)

 Lecture #2:  Particle dark matter

  1. Cold, hot, and warm dark matter
  2. Thermal relics
  3. Non-thermal relics

 Lecture #3: Inflation as the origin of perturbations

  1. The role of the Hubble radius in the growth of perturbations
  2. Inflation as scalar field dynamics
  3. Models of inflation confront observation
  4. Issues with the standard picture of inflation


Michelangelo MANGANO



Work Description:

My main area of research is, needless to say, QCD. I use it as a tool to explore the physics of high energy hadronic collisions. Here it is essential to unravel the complexity of the final states and to extract information on what happens at the fundamental level when two protons are brought together to less than 10**(-15) cm. In particular I worked, even at the experimental level, on the search for the top quark and the study of its properties, as well as on the production of bottom quarks and on the phenomena associated to jet production.
I follow the developments in the field of phenomena Beyond the Standard Model, exploring the opportunities for discovery offered by our big toys, the Tevatron and the LHC

Title of lecture

These 3 lectures will provide a simple introduction to QCD and its phenomenological applications in hadronic collisions. The material will be useful to students doing research at the Tevatron and LHC, as well as to those interested in the interactions of high energy cosmic rays. Some understanding of QCD in hadronic collisions are essential to those who will be seeking new particles possibly created at the Tevatron and LHC, as well as to those who, developing models of new physics, would like to see these models experimentally tested.

The lectures will focus on the following topics: asymptotic freedom and the perturbative interactions of quarks and gluons; the short-distance structure of the proton; the description of the evolution of quarks and gluons into hadrons; selected topics in hadronic physics: production of jets, heavy quarks, gauge bosons; QCD as a tool to explore particle properties at very high energy, and to search for new phenomena beyond the Standard Model.


Yosef NIR

Weizmann Institute


Work Description:

My current work focusses on the following directions:

(i) CP Violation:How to interpret the data from the B-factories? Can we probe in detailnew, CP violating, physics by the pattern of deviations from theStandard Model predictions  for CP asymmetries in B decays?

(ii) Neutrino physics:I am studying the possibility that the neutrino sector is unique inthat its flavor parameters exhibit anarchy, in contrast to the chargedfermion flavor parameters which are hierarchical. Could the Majorananature of neutrinos make their flavor structure anarchical? Or,alternatively, in the context of string theory, is there a mechanismthat would make the lepton doublets carry the same charge (or besinglets) under a horizontal symmetry?

(iii) Soft leptogenesis:This mechanism is possible in the framework of the supersymmetricStandard Model extended to include singlet neutrinosuperfields. The soft supersymmetry breaking terms open new ways forCP violation to generate a lepton asymmetry. I am studying theimplications of leptogenesis to the neutrino flavor structure.

Title of Lecture
CP Violation and Flavour Physics
Lecture 1: The CKM Matrix 
  1. Yukawa interactions
  2. The CKM matrix and the KM phase
  3. The Unitarity Triangle 

Lecture 2: CP violation in meson decays 

  1. The various types of CP violation in meson decays
  2. CP violation in K to pi pi
  3. CP violation in B to J/psi K and B to pi pi 

Lecture 3: Probing new physics with CP violation 

  1. CP violation in supersymmetry
  2. Probing new physics with B to phi K and related modes
  3. A few words about baryogenesis and leptogenesis



Chicago University


Work Description:

Angela Olinto is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, and a member of the Enrico Fermi Institute and the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago. Olinto received her B.S. in Physics from the Pontificia Universidade Catolica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1981) and her Ph.D. in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1987). After M.I.T, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Fermilab Cosmology Group and then a senior research associate and senior lecturer at the University of Chicago. Olinto has served on many advisory committees for the NRC, DoE, NSF, and NASA, and is a member and trustee of the Aspen Center for Physics. In 2001, she was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society.  Olinto's interests are in theoretical astrophysics, particle and nuclear astrophysics, and cosmology. She has made important contributions to the physics of quark stars, inflationary theory, cosmic magnetic fields, and particle astrophysics. Her recent work has focused on the nature of the dark matter in the universe and the origin of the highest energy cosmic particles. She is a member of the Pierre Auger collaboration

Title of Lecture
Cosmic Ray Physics (Theory)



    Paul SOMMERS

    University of Utah


    Work Description:

    My research concerns the study of the highest energy cosmicrays, both experimentally and phenomenologically.  The challenge from the experimental side is to produce a high-quality set of air shower observations that will provide a basis for understanding the origins of cosmic rays and their propagation to Earth.  Comparing the observations to hypothetical models fortheir sources is the phenomenological aspect of my work.  How nature produces these extraordinary particles is one of the great unsolved problems in astrophysics.  The Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory is crucial to this effort.

    Title of Lecture
    Experimental Aspects of Cosmic Rays

    First lecture:    

    • Introduction to cosmic ray air showers     
    • Electromagnetic air shower cascades - theory and simulation 
    • Surface arrays: geometric reconstruction and energy estimation
    • Nitrogen fluorescence in the atmosphere     
    • Fluorescence detectors and "hybrid" reconstruction techniques 

    Second lecture:      

    • Hadronic cascades: principles and simulations      
    • Nuclear superposition model      
    • Muon density and depth of maximum as atomic mass measures
    • Hybrid energy measurements give conversion of S1000 to energy      
    • Detecting neutrinos by air showers      
    • Analyzing the celestial distribution of arrival directions


    Steinar STAPNES

    University of Oslo


    Work Description:

    Current research interests: Instrumentation for LHC and construction of the ATLAS Inner Detector. Physics analysis preparation for ATLAS and LHC, in particular Supersymmetric Models and their experimental signatures. Instrumentation for nuclear medicine. Work for Recruitment to Physics and Public Awareness of Physics through the European and Norwegian Physical Societies. More details: Project-leader for the ATLAS Inner Detector since February 1999. The ATLAS ID consists of Pixel and Silicon Strip systems and a Transition Radiation Tracker. Background from R704 (ISR), UA2 (SPS), and DELPHI (LEP) and have worked with physics analysis/simulation andI am interested in high-energy physics (HEP), cosmology and astrophysics. At the moment I am fascinated by HEP topics in astrophysics, particularly gamma-ray bursts and cosmic rays of all sorts, including neutrinos. DAQ/trigger/DCS developments before joining the LHC detector R&D programs in 1992. Presently supervising 3 ph.d students doing instrumentation and physics simulation projects for ATLAS at LHC. Teach particle-nuclear physics instrumentation at the University of Oslo. President of the Norwegian Physical Society since January 1999. Serve on the board for the Center of Material Science at Univ. of Oslo.

    Title of Lecture
    Instrumentation Introduction

    Passage of particles through matter

    • Charges particles, Photons, Neutrons
    • Multiple scattering, Cherenkov radiation, Transition radiation
    • Radiation length, Electromagnetic cascades, Nuclear Interaction length

    Particle Detection

    • Ionisation detectors, Scintillation detectors, Semiconductor detectors
    • Calorimeters
    • Detector systems

    Signal processing and electronics.


    Alan WATSON

    University of Leeds


    Work Description:


    Title of Lecture
    The Development of the Pierre Auger Observatory

     I will outline that the reasons for interest in the highest energy cosmic rays and overview the status of measurements on the energy spectrum, arrival direction distribution and mass composition of the particles.  Some of our limited understanding is because the centre of mass energies of importance are well beyond those that will be reached by the LHC and because of other limitations in our knowledge of hadronic interactions.  The need for an additional instrument that will improve the statistics and precision of the measurements on ultra high energy cosmic rays will become apparent.  These improvements are being realised in the Pierre Auger Observatory that you will have a chance to see and I will explain how it was designed and the progress with construction.  I will also describe details of some of the events that we have recorded.

    Top of the Page

    Danielle Métral, 01/2005