LECTURES – 2006 EU School of HEP – Sweden



Toni PICH: Field theory and the Standard Model
Ricardo RATTAZZI: Beyond the Standard Model
Ikaros BIGI: Flavour Physics and CP Violation
Valery RUBAKOV: Cosmology/Astrophysics
Boris KAYSER: Neutrino Physics
Larry McLERRAN: Heavy-Ion Physics
Torbjörn SJÖSTRAND: Monte Carlo Generators
Tord EKELÖF: Detectors for the future
Mariette MANKTELOW: Linnaeus' search for order

Toni PICH: Field theory and the Standard Model

The Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics will be described. A detailed discussion of the particle content, structure and symmetries of the theory will be given, together with an overview of the most important experimental facts which have established this theoretical framework as the Standard Theory of particle interactions.

1.- Gauge Theories: QED, QCD
2.- Electroweak Unification: SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y
3.- Symmetry Breaking: Higgs Mechanism
4.- Electroweak Phenomenology
5.- Flavour Structure of the Standard Model

 Reading list:

 Introductions to Quantum Field Theory:
"Quantum Field Theory", F. Mandl and G. Shaw (John Wiley, 1984)
"Gauge Theories in Particle Physics", I.J.R. Aitchison and A.J.G. Hey
(Third Edition, 2003, Institute of Physics Publishing).

 Standard Model:
A. Pich, "The Standard Model of Electroweak Interactions",
Lectures given at the 2004 European School of High-Energy Physics (Sant Feliu de Guixols, Barcelona) - E-print arXiv:hep-ph/0502010
A. Pich, "The Standard Model of Particle Physics",
2005 CERN Summer Student Lectures:



 The following topics will be considered, but not all can be treated in detail within the limited time of the three lectures.

Fundamentals: colour SU(3), Lagrangian, local gauge invariance, Feynman rules.
Asymptotic freedom and confinement: beta-function and running coupling, renormalization, factorization of hard perturbative and soft non-perturbative dynamics.
Perturbative QCD: matrix elements, higher order corrections, resummation, parton branchings, heavy quarks.
Hard-soft interplay: parton density functions of hadrons with non-pert. x-shape and pert. Q2 dependence (DGLAP), small-x dynamics (BFKL etc), infrared safety, jet physics, hard diffraction.
Non-perturbative QCD: lattice, hadronisation, soft colour interactions, interactions with colour background field.
QCD at LHC: From HERA and the Tevatron to LHC. QCD as background for signals for physics beyond the standard model and QCD affecting such signals.

Reading list:

R.K. Ellis, W.J. Stirling and B.R. Webber, QCD and collider physics
Cambridge Monographs on Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology, vol. 8,
Cambridge University Press 1996, ISBN 0 52158189 3  http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521545897

Comment: Invest in a good book that is useful as a reference for your future work.
G. Sterman et al., (CTEQ Collaboration), Handbook of perturbative QCD
Reviews of Modern Physics, vol. 67, 157-248 (1995)
Comment: Review article that covers much essential theory and gives many references.


Ricardo RATTAZZI: Beyond the Standard Model

I. Critical analysis of the Standard Model (SM)
    Ia. Couplings and energy scales in field theory
    Ib. Conservation of baryon and lepton number in the SM
    Ic. Hierarchy problem
    Id. Naturally light particles
II. Supersymmetry
III. Grand Unification
IV. Extra dimensions

Reading List:

Suggested reading (the lectures I will give will be less advanced that most of the material listed below. all can be found on the web, the last one you will find in attachment)



By Fabio Zwirner (INFN, Padua & Padua U.),. DFPD-98-TH-17, Apr 1998. 47pp.
Talk given at The 1997 European School of High-Energy Physics, Menstrup, Denmark:
http://preprints.cern.ch/cernrep/1998/98-03/98-03.html p. 293-339.

By Hitoshi Murayama (UC, Berkeley),. UCB-PTH-00-05, LBNL-45321, Feb 2000. 40pp.
Prepared for ICTP Summer School in Particle Physics, Trieste, Italy, 21 Jun - 9 Jul 1999.
Published in *Trieste 1999, Particle physics* 296-335 e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0002232

By Csaba Csaki (Cornell U., LEPP),. Apr 2004. 85pp.
Lectures given at Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics (TASI 2002): Particle Physics and Cosmology: The Quest for Physics Beyond the Standard Model(s), Boulder, Colorado, 2-28 Jun 2002.
Published in *Boulder 2002, Particle physics and cosmology* 605-698 e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0404096

By Raman Sundrum (Johns Hopkins U.),. Aug 2005. 49pp.
Lectures given at Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics (TASI 2005): Many Dimensions of String Theory, Boulder, Colorado, 5 Jun - 1 Jul 2005, e-Print Archive: hep-th/0508134

By R. Rattazzi (CERN),. Aug 2003. 57pp.
Prepared for Cargese School of Particle Physics and Cosmology: the Interface, Cargese, Corsica, France, 4-16 Aug 2003.
Published in *Cargese 2003, Particle physics and cosmology* 461-517
See also:


Ikaros BIGI: Flavour Physics and CP Violation

Lecture I: Flavour dynamics in the second millenium

Implications & fundamentals of CP violation; K0 -  K0bar oscillations; discovery of CP violation in KL → π +π-; KM theory based on two central mysteries of the SM; the strong CP problem; electric dipole moments; the SM Paradigm of large CP asymmetries in B decays; SM phenomenology through 2000 & CKM fits; Heavy Quark Theory, basics & applications.

 Lecture II: Flavour dynamics 2001 - 2006

Verifying the SM Paradigm of large CP asymmetries in B decays; praising EPR correlations and hadronization; determining |V (ub)|, |V (td)| from B → lνXu, ∆M(B0) and ∆Γ(B0); extracting the angles φ1,2,3 of the KM triangle; rare B decays.

 Lecture III: Probing the flavour paradigm of the emerging New SM

Searching for indirect manifestations of New Physics on flavour transitions, in particular from New Physics at the TeV scale; ‘King Kong’ scenarios vs. precision probes, charm & τ vs. B & K studies; the case for Super-Flavour Factories and their role in the future landscape of HEP.


Reading list:

Suggested reading list: I.I. Bigi, hep-ph/0601167, Varenna Lecture notes; I expect students to be familiar with quantum field theory on about the level of Peskin & Schroeder.


Valery RUBAKOV: Cosmology/Astrophysics

Outline of the lectures.

1. Homogeneous and isotropic metrics.
Expanding Universe. Hubble law. Red shift, cosmic acceleration.
Friedmann equation. Sample solutions. Horizon, age of the Universe.
Flatness of our Universe. Dark matter. Dark energy.

2. Hot Big Bang theory. Recombination. Big Bang nucleosynthesis.
Electroweak epoch. Baryon asymmetry. Freeze-out of heavy relic: Best guess for dark matter.

3. Initial data for hot Big Bang. Inflation.
Generation of density perturbations and relic gravitational waves.
Cosmological probes: cosmic microwave background anisotropy and structures in the Universe.

Suggested reading:

1. E.W Kolb, M.S. Turner, The Early Universe (Addison-Wesley, 1990), Chapters 1-3, 5, 8.
2. V.F. Mukhanov. Physical foundations of cosmology (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005), Chapters 1-3, 5.
2. V.A. Rubakov, Introduction to cosmology PoS RTN2005:003,2005



Boris KAYSER: Neutrino Physics

Thanks to many beautiful experiments during the last decade, we now know that neutrinos can change flavor and have nonzero masses, and that leptons mix.
These discoveries raise interesting questions about the neutrinos and their connections to the rest of physics and astrophysics. In these lectures we will explain the physics of neutrino mass, Dirac and Majorana neutrinos, leptonic mixing, and neutrino flavor change in vacuo and in matter. We will review what has been learned so far, and discuss some of the most interesting open questions: Do neutrinos violate CP, and if they do, is this violation connected to the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe? Does the neutrino mass spectrum resemble the quark and charged-lepton spectra, as grand unification would suggest, or is it an upside-down version of those other spectra? Are neutrinos their own antiparticles? We will describe the ideas for answering these and other questions through future experiments.

 Reading list:

Neutrino Physics, hep-ph/0506165
Neutrino Mass, Mixing, and Flavor Change, hep-ph/0211134
Neutrino Mass, Mixing, and Flavor Change (A different article from the one above), available at pdg.lbl.gov/2005/reviews/contents_sports.html#partpropetc
(I have indicated where the eprints may be found, rather than the  published references, believing that most students will find it easier to  access the eprints.)



Larry McLERRAN: Heavy-Ion Physics

 Lecture I: RHIC Physics

This lecture concerns the properties of new states of matter which might be seen at RHIC and LHC. I review the properties of the Quark Gluon Plasma and the role it plays in astrophysics. I discuss the phase structure of QCD, and the physics issues we can study using hot hadronic matter.
The results and methods of lattice gauge theory for computing properties of this matter are reviewed.
I introduce the concept of the Color Glass Condensate as a universal form of matter which controls the high energy limit of QCD. This matter is a high density state of gluons, and is the source of a number of high energy phenomena. In particular, it provides the initial conditions for ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions.

Lecture II: Space-Time Picture of Hadrons

This lecture introduces the conceptual tools needed to understand the basic physics of high energy collisions, and the formation of a Quark Gluon Plasma in such collisions. Much time is spent on developing the relationship between momentum space and coordinate space variables. I show how the Color Glass Condensate appears within such variables.
I discuss gluon production, and the thermalization of these gluons after their production.

Lecture III: Ultrarelativistic Nuclear Collisions and New Forms of Matter

The Color Glass Condensate ultimately generates the Quark Gluon Plasma in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions. There are a variety of signals associated with this formation. The QGP evolves hydrodynamically and produces collective effects which are seen in the experimental data. Also, high momentum probes such as jets can tell us about the density achieved in such collisions, and potentially measure properties such as the sound velocity.
I discuss the current status of theoretical ideas and experimental measurements of such phenomena at RHIC.

Reading list:

Lecture notes from the 2005 School in Austria:
A recent paper by L. McLerran:
A somewhat provocative article written by L. McLerran and Gyulassy:
nucl-th/0205013 (Nucl. Phys. A750 30 (2005))


Torbjörn SJÖSTRAND: Monte Carlo Generators  

Multiparticle production is the most characteristic feature of current high-energy physics, with multiplicities ranging in the hundreds to be the norm for LHC. A host of different physics mechanisms contribute, including hard collisions, initial- and final-state showers, multiple interactions, beam remnants, hadronization and decay. This complexity can best be modelled by using Monte Carlo techniques to mimic the quantum-mechanical random choices in nature, starting from a simple collision process at short time scales and building up towards a complete event structure, comparable with the ones observed in detectors. The modelling is based partly on hard theory, partly on phenomenological considerations. The lectures will cover the major generator aspects of relevance in hadronic collisions, with special emphasis on parton showers.


Reading list:

A standard reference would be the
"Les Houches Guidebook to Monte Carlo Generators for Hadron Collider Physics", M.A. Dobbs et al., hep-ph/0403045
(available on http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph?papernum=0403045).
Browse the beginning of each chapter, but do not go into the details of each generator listed there.



The lecture will address the question of why neutrino astronomy is interesting, describe the challenges of building an adequate neutrino observatory, outline the results obtained with the AMANDA strings within IceCube, and describe the current status of the IceCube project.


Tord EKELÖF: Detectors for the future


Reading list:



Mariette MANKTELOW: Linnaeus' search for order (General Culture Lecture)

In a time of scientific confusion, Carl Linnaeus introduced a classification system of plants that converted chaos into order: the sexual system of plants. The characters he used were stamens and pistils, earlier ignored by science. The system was open, extremely useful and formed part of the platform Linnaeus created for a science later known as Systematics. However, the sexual system was artificial, and was soon replaced by a new natural system. Since then different classification systems have been replacing one another, one by one. The story of Linnaeus’ search for order tells us a lot about the need for the human beings to find patterns in nature and in life. How much of our classifications are real patterns in nature, and how much is interpretations needed for the human brain to grasp knowledge? Questions like that are time-less.
